What To Do When Clients Don’t Pay Your Invoice

Digital Marketing

Nothing is more frustrating as a digital marketing agency owner than to have to chase down difficult clients who are flaking on settling their invoices with you. When they don’t pay, you may run into cash flow issues. 

As the provider of quality white label digital marketing packages, we’ve worked with thousands of agencies and have heard all the horror stories when it comes to clients not paying. Below, we’ve outlined 5 ways you can limit the likelihood of a client not paying and even handle a client who has not paid. 

Protect Your Agency From The Outset 

Set up watertight legal documents that clearly outline the payment terms associated with your digital agency. Have clients sign these agreements well before you begin working for them. 

Set Clear SOPs For When A Client Misses A Payment 

One of the most useful things you will ever build into your processes is a clear, simple roadmap of what to do when clients miss a payment or don’t make a payment. If you require a deposit upfront, don’t start working until you receive it. If you bill monthly for the following month’s work but don’t receive payment before the deadline, stop working immediately. 

Speak To The Client 

If your client has not paid you, consider chatting with them one on one. You can discuss setting up a payment plan with them if they are experiencing financial challenges, or you can ask them for a good faith payment.

Claim $1000 Worth Of Free White Label Services

Unlock a better way of working when you outsource your agency’s services to our qualified team of specialists. From copywriting to app design, trust our white label professionals to deliver your brief quickly and effectively. Test our solutions with $1000 of free services today.


Hire A Collections Agency

If your digital agency is experiencing many missed payments, consider hiring a collections agency. They will follow up on all your debtors for you. 

Seek Legal Action

Ultimately, if a client hasn’t paid, you can visit a small claims court (or higher) to recoup your losses. 

Managing a digital marketing agency means that you have a lot on your plate. From coordinating your team to overseeing your agency’s marketing campaigns to taking care of the messier jobs ‒ like following up on clients who aren’t paying ‒ you’ve got a lot to do. 

When you outsource your agency’s projects to our exceptional white label digital marketing team, you take back more of your own time. You also ensure a better quality of service delivery for your clients. Trust in our outsourced digital marketing business today.

Book a free strategy call to get started.

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