Consider these 3 techniques to turn sales conversions around more effectively in social media marketing in 2017

Social Media Marketing

With more than 2.3 billion users active on social media worldwide it is easy to see why social media is now the foremost driver in referral traffic to websites; however, when it comes to conversions the average rate is very poor. If this has been your experience to date, then it is time to review your social media strategy for 2017. In this post, we explore ways in which to include more favourable sales leads techniques and enhance your clients’ social media conversion strategies.

  • The mere-exposure effect

One of the biggest impediments to higher conversion rates is that businesses only post updates once.  Since updates from competitors are being posted every second, a single update will not get maximum attention. The mere-exposure effect is a concept that says more exposure to a message more often gets us to take more notice of it and like it more. It is a principle that is used to help a business brand stand apart from other competing brands.

  • Use your email list more effectively

Email marketing is considered one of the best sources of converting prospects. It stands to reason that combining the forces of social media and email will deliver maximum results. Your content marketing strategy should integrate email and social media marketing efforts by creating a system that generates traffic from social media and converts them to email subscribers.

  • Use special targeting options in social media advertising

When you target people’s interests, your rates of successful traffic conversion significantly increase. Explore targeting options like Facebook’s lookalike audiences feature which enables you to target specific audiences. Retargeting allows you to direct your messages to people who have visited your site or a certain page of your site before.  These are considered ‘warm’ targets who already have an awareness of your product and brand and are thus more likely to convert.

The evolving nature of social media as a sales generation tool means that you have to constantly evaluate techniques that work and replace any that do not produce the required results. If any of the above techniques have been missing from your arsenal of conversion tactics then consider implementing them this year. Join our Outsourced Social Media Reseller Program now.

Related Tags: White Label Social Media Reseller, Digital Marketing Outsourcing 

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