Is Your Digital Marketing Agency Meeting Its Quality KPIs And Metrics?

Digital Marketing Agency

As we all know, KPIs and metrics need to be met by our own marketing agencies and those we market for. Now, we’re not talking about vanity metrics or common KPIs that we use to assess the success rates of our marketing efforts for our clients. At Globital USA, we’re talking about agency metrics – for digital marketing agencies. Why? Well, because we care about your digital marketing agency and its growth.

Are You Meeting Your Traffic-To-Lead Ratio?

An important metric and KPI, how is your web traffic converting to actual leads? To generate a ratio, take the number of visitors and the total number of leads from your website and create a ratio.

Are Your Goals Being Completed?

Any digital marketing agency worth its salt needs to set goals. They need to be time-bound, relevant, measurable, achievable, and specific. And they need to be achieved. With this, is your digital marketing agency needs to track its goals and complete them. Are you hitting them?

Gain Agency Momentum By Enrolling In Our Kickstart Course Today!

Are you struggling to meet agency goals while not converting leads? You may need to focus on reinventing the internal approach of your agency. We designed our free 30-day Kickstart Program to assist agency owners like yourself to gain sustainable and continuous momentum to build and scale ongoingly! Take it at your own pace; we designed it to fit any schedule!

How Is The Lifetime Customer Value At Your Digital Marketing Agency?

Digital agencies want customers who have long-term customer life spans and by more than one product or service. This is a crucial KPI. What you need to do as a digital marketing agency owner is uncover this customer value by working out churn rate and the average customer lifetime.

The Next KPI Is Cost Per Acquisition

According to Digital Agency Network, “How much is each new customer gained costing your client in terms of their marketing budget? Are you helping your client make a profit? That’s what the cost per acquisition KPI can show you. To work out your cost per acquisition, you need to take the total amount you’ve spent to acquire new customers via a specific channel and divide it by the number of new customers. The resulting figure will show you how much it’s costing your client to acquire each new customer.”

Has Your Agency Checked Time Invested In Project Vs. Returns KPI?

Another important KPI is Time Invested In Project Vs. Returns. According to Digital Agency Network, and as we will agree, “This is one of the most crucial marketing KPIs to keep an eye on to see if your marketing efforts are worth the trouble. Keep track of the time that you’ve been working on marketing and pitch it against any increased profit that you’ve seen since you began the campaign. With this data, you can work out the profit generated per hour of marketing work. If you’re making less money than you normally would, you need to take a hard look at your current marketing strategies.”

For Help With Agency Metrics And Marketing KPIs, Speak To Us Now!

Email today and speak to our Wholesale Digital Marketing team at Globital USA about your agency’s metics and marketing KPIs for your client. We will show you how to meet and surpass them! Join our White Label Digital Marketing Reseller Program now.

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