How To Fire A Client

Digital Marketing

Clients are the lifeblood of your agency, but some of them can cause overwhelming stress and even drag your time away from other clients and priorities. If you are spending more resources on retaining the client than they are paying you, it’s time to cut the cord. Some clients just need to be fired. 

Even if you’re working smarter ‒ not harder ‒ by using our quality white label services for SEO outsourcing or outsourcing social media marketing, certain individuals will succeed in making your agency life miserable. Let them down gently with these tips. 

Tell Them

Instead of beating around the bush, simply be upfront with your client and explain why the working relationship no longer makes sense for you or your agency. While being honest, you should also be objective, kind, and calm. Getting emotional will not help the process. 

Increase Prices

If the client in question is particularly difficult, you may want to inadvertently fire them by raising your profits until they quit on you. This could also be a legitimate decision to reap the rewards of the added value and results you offer the client. If a client thinks you’re too expensive, they are likely not an ideal client. 

Get The "Agency Scale Simplified" Ebook

Want to make more money while spending less time on your agency? Download our free Ebook today and unlock the secrets to scaling your digital marketing agency effortlessly. Discover how to price your services, manage your team, and delight customers using our simple steps. 


Recommend Another Solution 

If you are battling to gel with a certain personality or are finding a client’s expectations and needs too difficult to see to, simply recommend another agency to them. You likely have a network of other creatives and agency owners, and they will appreciate the opportunity to land a client. Even if the client in question is not a good fit for your agency, they may be a great fit for someone else. 

Turning away a client who is not a good fit is a great way to free up more time and resources that can be better spent on clients who are a good ROI(Return on Investment). Another way to improve your ROI is to outsource your digital agency’s services to us. Our quality white label digital marketing services mean that you can focus on communicating with your clients, while we do all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.

Outsource social media marketing, copywriting, website design, graphic design and more to our expert white label team today.

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