How To Drive Engagement In Unexpected Ways For Your Clients On Social Media

Social Media Management

Have your clients complained about lack of shares, retweets, comments, likes, and click-throughs? Have they experienced a low level of audience growth and few mentions? It’s probably because your social media management of their social profiles needs a lift and fast. As wholesale digital marketing experts in social media at Globital USA, we’ve got some unexpected ways for your digital marketing agency to drive up your client’s social media engagement.

First off, when last did you analyze your engagement and strategy? When last did you analyze your audience and get to properly know your new audience if it has changed? After answering these questions and doing these checks, then you can start doing the following:

Conversation, Conversation, Conversation

While most digital marketing agencies may think this is obvious, it’s surprising to realize how many agencies don’t think ‘conversation’ and rather think ‘broadcast. It’s time to get creative! Post contests, ask questions, perform polls, test audience’s knowledge, upload media contests, and gifs, spotlight customers, and share social media stories. According to Hootsuite, “Commenting on current events and trends in a way that ties in your brand is an opportunity to connect with an audience in a timely way instantly. Trending pop culture (remember the spring of Tiger King?), big sporting events, holidays, or viral memes can all be great excuses for a post.”

With regards to conversation, it’s imperative, and unsurprising, to keep the conversation going. Digital marketing agencies need volley attention and get engagement going backward and forwards. It’s about reactive and proactive engagement – that’s the trick!

According to Hootsuite, “When you’re reactive, you’re answering direct messages, incoming mentions or comments. When you’re proactive, you’re the one sparking conversation with people who may be talking about you but haven’t necessarily sent messages to you directly.”

Stay In The Loop By Joining Our Dedicated Agency Owner Group Today!

Your agency can thrive with the correct funnels of information entering and exiting its doors. As an agency owner, you understand the importance of connectivity to share and gather data and insights. So why aren’t you implementing the same for your agency? We invite you to join the Digital Agency Cowork Collective (DACC), which offers a space to share, ask, learn, and remain connected!

Other Ways To Boost Engagement – Which Shouldn’t Come As A Surprise

When trying to drive up engagement for your clients, why not show their human side by commenting on their conversation, acknowledging their comments with personality, and showing their team members. Then be sure to respond quickly and with speed.

For Engagement-Centric Social Media, Speak To Us

Email today and speak to our White Label Social Media Marketing team at Globital USA about your social media needs and engagements. We can help your agency to get your clients’ engagement on the up and up. Join our Wholesale Social Media Reseller Program now.

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