Google’s John Mueller Shares Why Core Web Vital Scores Change Even When Web Pages Remain Unchanged

Digital Agency

Globital USA supports digital agencies both with our award-winning white label digital marketing services and by sharing our knowledge and understanding of the industry. Google’s Core Web Vitals score shows how web pages are performing, essential information for any digital marketing agency whose clients are looking for their websites to be successful. The Core Web Vitals score aims to measure a website’s user experience and is a good way to tell whether a website is going to rank well on search engines. What can be frustrating for many digital marketers is that a Core Web Vitals score can fluctuate, even if the contents of the webpage are exactly the same. Fortunately, Google’s John Mueller recently brought some clarity to why this happens. 

A website’s user experience is measured by Google using three key factors: 

  • Page loading speed
  • Responsiveness
  • Visual stability

Core Web Vitals scores can be influenced by a variety of factors that have nothing to do with the data on the website itself. The data used to calculate a website’s Core Web Vitals score is not based on one optimal user’s experience – it’s based on a distribution of numbers from all different kinds of users who may have had completely different experiences with a website based on external factors.

Internet speed and network congestion can both play a big role in an otherwise good Core Web Vitals score dropping. Latency, the internet being slow at any moment for any reason, can affect the speed at which a page loads. While certain steps can be taken and guidelines followed to ensure that a page loads as quickly as possible, digital agencies ultimately have no control over whether a user has a good internet connection or not and therefore have no control over how this can affect the Core Web Vitals score. 

In the same way that internet speeds can affect how a page loads on the user’s end, a congested network can be equally troublesome. A website can be hosted on the fastest dedicated server but still load slowly on an old cell phone, relying on a bad mobile data connection. This can negatively impact the Core Web Vitals score on a website that scores well otherwise. 


Understanding some things are out of your digital agency’s control, it’s important to look further than the Core Web Vitals scores from month to month and try not to view those minor monthly fluctuations as indicators of something being terribly wrong with a website. While it can be disheartening to see a website’s score fluctuate in spite of the effort that has been put into it, it’s important to remember why these fluctuations occur. With the peace of mind that good SEO practices are in place for a great website with quality content, digital agencies can be confident that their efforts will yield results. However, if a website’s Core Web Vitals score is consistently low or is dropping, it may be time to take a closer look.

Looking to boost your clients’ websites’ Core Web Vitals scores? Globital USA can help. Reach out to us at to get started.

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