Free Handouts When Experiencing Income Shortfalls Will Make Agencies Fall Short

Digital Agency

If handing out freebies is one of your agency’s solutions to the shortfall in clients, it’s time to rethink this strategy. While sometimes proving effective, freebies and discounts don’t always create future business, so it’s important to evaluate if cuts in your PPC reseller program, outsourcing web design services and social media reseller services really does create future business.

Offer An Agency Hand, And The Client Will Take Off Your Arm

More often than not, clients, like humans, in their very nature, will take your agency’s free hand and bite off their arm. This means that while you offer a free blog or a massive discount on other digital marketing services, the chances are that they’ll ask for more, and take your offer for granted. Freebies and discounts in the digital marketing world should not be sprinkled out like dollar bills in a crowd. 

Those Who Enjoy That Which Is Free, Enjoy The Highest Standards

Funny how, as most of you will know in the online digital world, that those clients who accept free handouts generally have the highest expectations. It seems agencies can never make them happy. And while your agency and those who work within it do everything in their marketing powers to produce the best of the best services and results, the chances are high that these clients will not be happy – not now, not ever. So, is it worth investing time and money, and team members’ elbow grease, to produce copy or marketing services that will inevitably get the rejection pill?

Receive Support During Tough Times By Joining The DACC!

Every agency will find itself in a rough patch now and again. And while freebies may not be the best solution, input from other agency owners can provide much-needed comfort and assistance. We designed and erected the Digital Agency Cowork Collective (DACC) exclusively for agency owners to find support in tough times, ask, and connect. This offer is one freebie you do not want to miss!  

What Are The Impacts On Agency Expenses? 

If you’re giving out discounts for your social media reseller program, PPC reseller program or other copywriting services offered by your agency, you need to consider how this will impact your expenses. If you’re offering discounts or freebies, who are you paying to get these jobs completed? How will your bottom line be affected? While incurring a small cost here and there to garner a new client is fine, sometimes these freebies can quickly escalate into a mammoth expense. 

Will Freebies Really Result In Future Business?

While pretty much every new client will take your agency up on that freebie offer, how certain is your agency that the client in question will continue business with you? Always assess the client and the short experience you have had dealing with them to determine this. And, provide value in moderation and preferably to clients who have demonstrated good behaviours when dealing with you and a tendency to pay for your services, not just take the cake and run. 

Freebies Are A Balancing Act

While we’re not advising agencies to avoid freebies at all costs, it’s more a balancing act than anything else. Be sure to only offer freebies and discounts to new clients that you’re confident in getting full business out of. And, factor in all circumstances when deciding to offer freebies or discounts. 

If you’re looking to increase your client base and for ways to increase your business, contact the digital marketing experts at Globital USA. Our social media reseller services, outsource web design and white label SEO program can offer effective ways to bring in the clients, and keep them coming in!  And if you need a bit of training in how to tackle the tricky topic of pricing and free trials in your digital agency, here’s a really valuable, FREE e-book that we’ve created that can really help!

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