Creating Engaging Blog Pages: Tips For Captivating Readers

Digital Marketing

Blogging has become an essential aspect of digital marketing. It allows businesses to not only share their latest updates and industry insights but also engage with their audience. As a digital marketing agency, it’s your job to create a captivating blog page that will keep your clients’ readers coming back for more. 

Here are some tips from our outsource content writing team to help you achieve this goal.

Include a Search Bar

One of the first things you should add to your clients’ blog pages is a search bar. The search bar allows readers to find specific content on the blog. This is especially important if your clients have a lot of content on their blogs. Without a search bar, readers may have to sift through several pages to find what they’re looking for, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. 

Add The Author’s Name and Photo

Another way to make your clients’ blog pages more engaging is by adding the author’s name and photo to each post. This increases the credibility of the post and makes it more personal. When readers see the face behind the content, they feel more connected to the writer and are more likely to engage with the content. 

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CTA boxes like this will help you turn blog posts into more than just authority-builders. Luckily for you, we can help your agency do everything from designing your client’s blog pages to writing the copy itself. Simply book a free strategy call with us AND unlock $1000 of free white label services that you can use to test us out.


Include Share Buttons

Social media is a great way to amplify your clients’ blog content. By including share buttons on each post, readers can easily share the content on their social media channels. This not only increases visibility but also drives traffic back to the blog. Make sure the share buttons are prominent and easy to use. Consider placing them in multiple locations on the page, such as at the bottom of the post and in the sidebar.

Add a CTA Box to the Blog

Finally, be sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) box at the end of each blog post. This can be anything from an invitation to sign up for a newsletter to a prompt to leave a comment. The CTA encourages readers to take action and engage with your clients’ brands. It’s also a great way to measure the success of the blog page since you can track the number of clicks on the CTA.

In conclusion, creating an engaging blog page for your clients takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Remember that the ultimate goal is to create a loyal readership for your clients, and these tips will help you achieve that goal.

Once you’ve determined the perfect blog post page layout for your client, trust our white label team of copywriting experts to carry out the actual blog post writing. You can outsource your client’s content writing needs to our team in the US. Contact us today.

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