Why American Marketing Agencies Are Missing Out By Neglecting Lifetime Client Value And Not Cross Selling To Them

Digital Marketing

With 2017 on the horizon, American digital marketing agencies are using the brief end of year lull in business to take stock of their marketing in 2016 (in comparison with 2015) and see what can be improved, discarded, or added to their marketing plan for next year.

It’s at this time that agencies start to think about ways that they can bring new clients onboard – and how they can help clients do the same through the products they offer. And while this should always be a priority of any business (digital or otherwise) it’s important to remember existing clients and the Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) that they can add – in other words, the total value you get from them over the duration of your business relationship.

Retaining customers should be an integral part of any marketing plan as it acts as insurance in today’s volatile markets. Research by SumAll reveals that a solid base of loyal customers can make all the difference between survival and bankruptcy if your agency ever hits a rough patch. business marketing Professor Peter Faderechoes this sentiment in a Forbes article on customer retention,stating that businesses should ask: “What can we do now to identify and reward our high-value customers and attract more like them?”

Identifying high-value customers is something only your agency can do, but rewarding and keeping them might be as simple as exceeding their expectations – or helping them exceed their client’s expectations – something that the Nielsen’s Global Loyalty-Sentiment Survey indicates that consumers require from businesses before pledging their loyalty.

So how can you as a digital marketer do this for your customers – so that they can do the same for their customers?

You can start with cross-selling. Customer feedback experts Client Heartbeat recommend cross-selling to existing clients using honest, targeted information that has been tailored to them and can deliver on what’s promised.

If you’re currently providing a long-time client with any Globital USA service you’re in the unique position to do that. All you have to do is a check-in with clients to see if they’re happy with what you’re currently offering them and offer them an additional, intrinsically related digital marketing service usato improve their outcomes. With so much overlap between the various digital marketing spheres it’s likely they’ll be receptive.

For example, if you offer clients web design via our outsourced web designers/developers, 2017 might be the time to send them a mail informing them that web design isn’t all you do, and offering them SEO as well (of course, all the while knowing that you can rely on us to provide you and them with white label, outsourced SEO services.

Or when touching base with clients in a monthly phone call you could add a scripted question to the end of the call, enquiring what their biggest business problem is at the moment. One of the services we offer could be the perfect solution to the problem.

As you can see, capitalising on LCV and integrating it into your marketing plan automatically becomes easier as we’ve already done most of the legwork for you. It just becomes a matter of cross-selling your services and serving it to your current database – and allowing us to provide you with those services. Join our Outsourced Digital Marketing Reseller Program now.

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