Opening up your digital agency to clients across the globe, as well as resources and subcontractors in other regions, means your agency can use different currencies to its financial advantage. Opt for countries that have both favourable exchange rates and excellent resources and talent. Use them to create marketing content and materials for your clients who are based in countries with employees with low salary expectations thanks to the different regions they live in. This means your margin between resource expenses and client profits will be enormous.
Opening up your business to clientele based in other parts of the world will mean you’re able to enjoy higher client payments and overall profits as well. Sometimes you find that local resources overcharge, so make the most of talented providers in other countries who charge lower rates. It’s not unethical business; it’s smart business. Your agency will still be charging way less than what your client would be paying if using expensive local talent, and your agency will be reaping higher financial rewards than experienced with local clients.
Prepare For Change, Movement And Juggling The Internal Circus
With global digital agencies and staff, resources and clients based across the globe, you need to prepare for constant change and movement. Change in your products, processes and staff that is. To succeed in the long term, your now-global agency needs to be flexible enough to scale. Fortunately, remote positions allow for easier interchanging between staff members.
Remote departments, which come with different marketing knowledge and perspectives, allows for the changing, introducing and expanding of products and services. To succeed globally, agency owners have to encourage this and allow for departments located in different areas to influence global growth. In line with this, global digital agencies often experience domino effects. With the ever-changing internal structure, process and product offerings, a change in one process will mean a change in another. Global agencies are constantly reviewing, revamping, upgrading and expanding, so never expect processes, people and products to stay the same.
Of course, taking a local agency and is going global is easier said than done. If you’re looking for a partner to accelerate the process and mitigate the risk, contact Globital Singapore and take advantage of the infrastructure that we’ve already set up and made available to your digital agency. Let our experience, tips and resources help you make a move from local to global. We’ll help you reach your global potential!