Steps Your Digital Agency Can Follow When Performing A Comprehensive SEO Clean-Up Strategy For Your Clients

Digital marketing has become just as demanding as day-to-day business operations for many of your clients. As a digital marketing agency, your role as SEO provider and evaluator is key in terms of ensuring that your clients’ websites are squeaky clean and efficient so that their focus can remain where it needs to be.
Since the creation of product pages, blogs, listings for eCommerce, news or updates, and even contact pages can add up quickly and become cluttered and redundant as time passes, strong management and a good, thorough evaluation of just what your clients need. At Globital South Africa, we can provide you with the support you need to make sure your clients’ websites and SEO portfolios are taken care off.

How To Get Started

First things first: you need to get the lay of the land. You can’t very well clean something if you aren’t aware of what there is. This is where the audit comes in. Inspect your client’s website through the lens of a search engine crawler. You will be able to use the audit to identify areas of concern, from broken links to repeated meta descriptions and more. Bonus tip: we create monthly reports on your behalf so that you can simply focus on strategy with your clients.

Steps That Will Put You In Good Steading

Once you know where you stand, you are going to need to go through the following steps to get everything in order:

  1. Site structure clean-up – check your site directory, content, and page performances and traffic such as bounce rates and optimise each category for better results (base your decisions on the data)
  2. Deal with bad links – you can use Google’s guide on link schemes to ensure that your links aren’t committing any link offences which hurt your rankings
  3. Remove or fix broken links – whether the link refers to a since-deleted page or there is a loading error (link entered incorrectly or firewall block, for example), redirect, remove, or correct the link
  4. Optimise visuals – poor site performance negatively affects your rankings, so you need to ensure that your images load efficiently and offer alt text 
  5. Get rid of any metadata duplication – unique tags improve your rankings!
  6. Double-check everything – no point in doing a clean up if you don’t go over it all at the end
  7. Schedule your next clean up checkpoint – this will keep you on top of things and ensure that your client’s website never suffers from SEO issues that are left unchecked

Choose A Great SEO Digital Marketing Agency Partner!

Globital South Africa knows how to make sure your clients have their SEO needs met and can provide a number of services to ensure that their sites are as efficient as possible. If you want a support team that knows what you need before you need it, you should email us today


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