As a digital marketing agency operating in the chaos that is 2020 so far, it’s absolutely essential to take a step back and figure out a way forward in this moment. Changing your approach to how you provide services may be the one thing that saves your business through this crisis and well after it has passed. Interrogate the true meaning of services at this time, when your clients’ businesses are also bearing the brunt of an economic downturn and a raging viral pandemic.
What Does Outstanding Service Look Like In Digital Marketing Today?
Simply put, right now, what it means to provide the best service is to help your clients make sound, profitable marketing decisions that are based on return on investment. This would mean placing a clear focus on investing in publicity, advertising and marketing in ways that bring about returns that go over and above what your clients invest. This will ensure greater chances of their business growing over time and will get them clients in the difficult times.
Damian Papworth, who is Globital’s Managing Director says, “You don’t want your clients to have a worse business at the end of this. You need to get in front of them, work out what’s working in their marketing and make sure they keep spending on the things that are specifically driving their business. If I was a digital agency today, I would not charge for that service at this moment. I would actually get in there and try to serve them, focus on [the] long-term wellbeing of their business and focus on being part of that conversation where they’re making those decisions.”
Get Agency Owner Support Now
The economic landscape can rapidly shift at any moment. Being prepared with your eyes wide open and the best support system possible behind you will ensure you navigate these changes expertly. For this reason, we invite you to join our curated Facebook group, specifically for agency owners looking for ongoing support like yourself.
Exploring Alternative Options To Help Your Clients Out Of Tricky Situations
Some of your clients are going to be backed into a wall. How does an events-based business continue to bring in revenue at this time? What about the hospitality industry? These are questions that don’t necessarily have solid answers, but innovative ideas can solve them. For example, you should have conversations with your restaurateur clients about delivery services, such as UberEats, so that they can maybe provide their services and products in a way that is a little bit different today, but can keep going through this time.
This is your time to stand out as a solution-oriented service provider who plays a role in saving your clients. Keep your mind open so that you can come up with ideas that will make your services a necessity on your clients’ books.