How To Make Your Call To Action Stand Out And Why It Matters

Digital agencies are no strangers to a “call-to-action”. When it comes to creating content for clients, marketers and copywriters often pour all of their efforts, creativity and expertise into writing quality, SEO friendly copy for the body of the piece and coming up with a clever headline only to use a generic, uninspired call-to-action. 

As SEO resellers offering a range of white label digital marketing services, we at SEO Resellers SA are here to share why taking the time to craft a call-to-action that stands out is vital for each and every piece of content a digital agency produces for their clients. 

Why Is A Call To Action So Important?

A call-to-action should do just that – call potential customers to take action! A good call to action is inspiring, even exciting, to readers. Of course, a call to action will link to another page on your client’s website, but they should be more than a line of text. A good call to action is a signpost, a compelling signal that tells users exactly what they need to do next and persuades them to do it. It should show them the route or pathway to converting, whether that is signing up for a service, subscribing to receive content or purchasing a product. A good call-to-action should:

  • Encourage readers to click on them
  • Link to the correct place
  • Show the next step the user is to take

How To Make A Call To Action Stand Out

  1. Directly Address Needs
    Instead of simply providing a link to another page, ensure that the call to action recognises that the user has a need and makes a promise to help the user solve that need.
  2. Get To The Point
    Keep it simple. A call to action shouldn’t be a long-winded, rambling sentence. To make a call to action stand out, a quick, snappy line that makes it clear what your client is asking for.
  3. Use Compelling Action Verbs
    An action verb that represents something exciting or desirable to a reader and describes a benefit will stand out more. Strong verbs like “Explore,” “Grow,” “Build,” “Protect,” “Celebrate,” “Unlock”, and “Maximise” are all good examples of compelling action verbs for Calls To Action.
  4. Location Matters
    The placement of a call to action is one of the most important factors in having it stand out and be successful. Placing a call to action after a sales pitch and giving the reader all of the information they need is important. It should be in a place that’s easy to find, preferably in white space, so that it is more visible.
  5. Get Creative
    A call-to-action button is always going to be more effective than a text link. That button is an opportunity to tie in the visual design of a brand, experimenting with colours and shapes to see what makes the biggest impact.
  6. Create A Sense Of Urgency
    A call to action should create a sense that if a customer doesn’t take action quickly, they are going to miss out. Words like “Now!” “While Stocks Last!” “Limited Edition” and “Exclusive” can help make a call to action stand out.

Looking for a digital marketing reseller that can help create content for your clients with stand-out calls to action? We would love to help. Get in touch with us at



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