Scheduling your clients’ social media marketing content will reap many rewards, including giving you more time to build out their strategy. However, automating scheduling can also have drawbacks when you fail to remain involved in this aspect of your client’s marketing plan.
As a white label social media management agency in South Africa, we’re going to unpack 3 common social media scheduling mistakes that you should avoid.
1. Favouring Automation Over Engagement
What often happens when agencies schedule content is that they, naturally, don’t log onto their clients’ profiles as often. As a result, questions can go unanswered, and responses can go unmade. One of the keys to social media marketing is remaining social. Even if you do use scheduling software, be sure to schedule times and days that your team goes online to engage with your client’s community.
2. Never Considering Trends
By creating content well in advance and scheduling it, you may miss chances to post timely content or take advantage of a trending hashtag or reel sound. What we would suggest is leaving gaps open in your client’s content calendar for on-trend content that allows you to stay relevant.
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3. Failing To Tailor Content To Each Platform
The third most common scheduling mistake that agencies make is simply copying and pasting one post across all of their clients’ social media platforms. The problem you will run into here is that what performs well on Instagram might not perform well on LinkedIn or Twitter or TikTok. It is important to keep the various platforms’ dimension rules in mind to ensure image quality. Different platforms also have different copy or link rules that need to be catered to.
As with marketing in general, there are always so many things to stay on top of when it comes to managing your clients’ social media strategy. As a white label social media management supplier in South Africa, we can effortlessly manage content creation all the way through to scheduling, so that you can win back more time to focus on growing your business.
If you’re interested in discovering our affordable social media outsourcing cost for yourself, contact us today!