Is Creative Block Real or Are You Just Procrastinating

You’re staring at your screen. 

You can hear the clock ticking in the background while the white page stares back at you. You start typing out a few words of copy or adding a few elements to the blank page. 

You delete what you’ve just done. You’ve got nothing. 

The muse seems to have left you.

Creative block has long been touted as that nebulous thing that holds creatives back from ‘getting in the zone.’ But some creatives hold that it doesn’t exist. 

What is creative block anyway?

Creative block is often described as an inability to produce new ideas or solutions, even when faced with pressing deadlines or clear objectives. 

Many creatives experience this. Some of our white label copywriting team members feel that this block feels almost physical, as if an invisible wall has sprung up between their thoughts and the expression of those ideas. Some creatives notice that when they’re stressed or burnt out, they’re more likely to experience creative block. 

It’s frustrating – one moment you’re brimming with inspiration, and the next, you’re paralysed by indecision or lack of clarity, seemingly out of nowhere.


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Are we just making excuses?

One of the most controversial aspects of creative block is its perceived overlap with laziness. Some argue that what’s often labelled as a “block” is, in reality, a lack of discipline or motivation. After all, they reason, professionals in other industries can’t simply claim “block” when they’re not in the mood to work.

However, we think that this argument oversimplifies the nature of creative work. Unlike routine tasks, creativity requires a blend of mental agility, emotional investment, and the ability to think outside the box. When these elements are compromised, output suffers. Still, if you are feeling tempted to claim creative block, it’s worth asking yourself some tough questions:

  • Am I procrastinating? Are you avoiding the task because it feels overwhelming or tedious? Breaking it into smaller, manageable steps can help.
  • Do I lack structure? A lack of organization or clear priorities can often mimic the symptoms of a creative block.
  • Am I prioritising inspiration over discipline? Waiting for inspiration to strike is a luxury most agency owners and marketing creatives can’t afford. Establishing a creative routine might be more reliable.

Now that you know creative block is a very real – and valid – thing, why not get our white label copywriting team to step in and help you with some of your clients when you’re just not feeling the muse? We will always deliver quality content on-time and on-budet. 

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