Conversion Rate Optimisation: A Step-By-Step Walkthrough And Some Advice On How To Fix The Problems

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) has one basic resolution – to convert website traffic into buyers. It’s that simple—but to do this, there are particular considerations and decisions you need to make so that your client can see the results you anticipate.

  • Segment your audience

    This is not A/B testing. This is taking your buyers out of the group and asking them direct questions such as:

  • How to fix the real issue?

    Once you can determine what the real issue is then fixing it will be an exciting endeavour—but marketers are not mind-readers. For this reason, we have five tips we would like to share with you about how to optimise your CRO efforts.

  • Discover other problems

    Could the content in your offer be the problem? Could the brand-positioning be the problem? Could the imagery you use not be suitable to the demographic at which the brand is aimed?

  • Test the Call To Action

    Most marketers believe the Call To Action button or banner is the problem when it comes to conversion. Should it be green instead of red? Does red mean ‘stop’? So many schools of thought surround the theory that a particular colour makes a bigger difference. Positioning is also important. This is why we recommend A/B Testing or split-testing, or even multivariate testing—but once you have exhausted all these time-consuming efforts, you may still find that your conversion rate has not changed. You may want to ask yourself, what else could be wrong?

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Improve your business and increase conversion rates with top-quality CRO services. Our team of experts can help you optimise your client websites, landing pages, and sales funnel to convert more visitors into customers. To get started, we’re giving away a valuable voucher worth $1000 to try our CRO services for free! Secure a free 30-minute strategy call to claim and optimise your conversions today.

Do you want a higher conversion rate?

Only once you have decided on the option you’re focusing on can you determine what your next steps will be. It all depends on the goal and the method with which you choose to continue on the path to final conversion.

Do you want more traffic?  OR

  • Pick one of these two options

    There are only two options when it comes to effective CRO management:

  • Define your goal

    Is your goal to obtain email addresses? Is this the first phase of the sales funnel you wish to “convert” from your traffic? — Or do you have a different goal in mind at this stage? Once you have your goal you can then move on to the next step.

What has been the most valuable to you?

These answers are the gold nuggets that every marketer would love to have—and you can have them easily, if you just ask. Also, remember to speak to those who signed up but failed to the end of your client’s sales funnel…those that didn’t convert into customers. Ask them what their biggest objection to becoming a buyer was. Perhaps it’s the cost, or a competitor was cheaper, or maybe they’re just the wrong customer? They may tell you and give you keen insight into what is really wrong with the website. Again, treasure for marketers!

What captured you to sign up?

Why did you sign up?

  • Check your page loading speed

    Page loading is so important, we can’t underline this factor enough. Faster websites allow Google to crawl and index pages easier. Faster loading websites also makes shopping much easier and more pleasant for customers. Customers want things fast and if your website is slow and its pages are slow in loading, you may lose a customer during the wait, all because your client’s website is slow.

  • Align your content with your visitor’s intentions

    Make sure that your number one priority when constructing a message – be it copy, image or video – is to answer your visitor’s question or empathise with them by addressing their frustration that your client’s product or service solves. Your bounce rate will skyrocket if you do not on this one fundamental thing. And in the process, it will warp your conversion rate. If you’re ever unsure, just ask yourself: “Does my client’s site give a visitor exactly what they want?”

  • Design, Design, Design

    You graphic design is vital. Image is extremely important. Ensure it is modern and relevant to both your client’s brand and to the demographic to which the brand is aimed.

  • Create concrete, emotional content

    Digital copywriting is not unlike any other kind of writing. It still requires a good hand, an adaptable and creative mind and a clear instruction for the visitor to follow. Using emotional stories and words will have a better impact on readers than intellectual and abstract information. When you touch the reader’s heart you may be well within the range of their wallet.

One last thing…remember to optimise this process over and over for best results. Unfortunately, as digital marketers, our job is never done…there’s always something we can improve on.

Related Tags: Digital Marketing Resellers NZ

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