Build your brand on LinkedIn through lead generation

Just three years ago, there wereover 600 000 LinkedIn users in New Zealand –more than double that of Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter users in the country. Since then, there has been a rapid change in the site and how people are using it. According to Henry Clifford-Jones, who is the director of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions in the UK, Spain, and Germany, for the first time the website has shifted from being a job-seeking platform to one that is engagement driven. “We now see …more than 15 times more engagement in the feed with content than there is with job listings…that’s been a rapid shift and what that means is that people don’t look for jobs all the time, but people are interested in what influential business people are seeing, sharing and talking about.”

With LinkedIn gaining more of a focus on engagement it has gained the attention of businesses looking to cash in on the social media opportunities presented by the site, particularly from a lead generation perspective. Digital advertising, SEO and social media agencies all over Queenstown, Auckland and Wellington are now revisiting how their clients interact and use LinkedIn, and how it can be used better to increase brand awareness, create more leads and increase sales.

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Due to the nature of LinkedIn, you can be very specific about who youtarget and at what level in relevant industriesor members of groups according to industry, area and size. Whatever your business there will be a target market within LinkedIn for you to focus on connecting with. LinkedIn has the opportunity to add real value, but only if you have to right connection strategy to reach out to potential leads and the time to spend nurturing those connections through to a meeting.

Through the services of digital marketing wholesalers, agencies now have the opportunity to outsource wholesale social media services, including LinkedIn strategies for lead generation as an additional service offered to their clients.After taking a brief from the client, we actively seek out LinkedIn connections based on target prospects and roll out a communication strategy aimed at successful connections. The communication is progressed to a point of meeting the potential lead at which point the reigns are handed over to you to pass on to your client. We do the work and you take the credit. Perfect! Talk to us today about rolling our your LinkedIn strategy.

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