Here’s at Globital Australia, some great news for Google Map crawlers. All the old maps that were exhibited on Google earlier will be upgraded by the end of this year. Google has many local and mapping products, of which My Maps has always been well known and appreciated. However, it also has a somewhat chequered history because once upon a time it was promoted heavily but ignored later on.
It was renamed My Places with certain features being co-opted by some other products of Google. There is another major consideration in this regard: My Places did not receive any support in Google Maps that were new which was launched during the earlier part of this year. However, the good news is that My Maps is staging a comeback and Google has announced recently.However, the new version of My Maps is different from what you remember from earlier on. It is basically an update of the product that was called Google Maps Engine Lite which Google launched in the first half of 2013. It was during this period that, Google instructed users of My Maps to import maps to Maps Engine Lite, with a promise to subsequently merge both these services. And Google certainly has kept its word.
How then will visitors benefit from this upgraded version of My Maps? A visitor who reaches the new version of My Maps can immediately begin to create new maps. Better still, he can make use of a shorter process by upgrading his older maps that he had saved earlier. This again may not be necessary as Google has already declared that all old maps will undergo the process of automatic upgrading by the year 2014 end. After the process of upgrading is over, visitors will get to see a card with the My Maps caption under the search box for Google Maps.
Additionally, there’s also a support page for Google that contains details of some new features being introduced to the My Maps concept. These include:
The ability top save places just like you could with the classic My Maps, driving directions while also adding videos and photos and more. Its new features include: Giving you the ability to share your maps like you did on a Google Doc; usingvaried colours to highlight parts of the map that make it stand out; labelling features directly on your maps; importing locations from a given spreadsheet and also organising places by way of layers.
Many businesses that were local used My Maps for many years predominantly as a tool for marketing. They created a map containing all information about a particular store’s or office’s locations so that it was an effective and easily usable travel guide for visitors. The newer version of My maps will also enable that to happen for personal or business power users, Google is also offering a My Maps Pro service that is entirely complementary. It would cost the user a paltry $5 a month while also offering additional map making tools for and daily views.
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