Australian mobile users have grown by 61% from 2016 to the beginning of 2017 in mobile-only downloads, which means that Australians are using their mobiles more than ever before. — Now, how does this affect digital marketing?
Google has always maintained that it is more concerned with their users’ experience than with anything else when it comes to ranking them higher up.
There are many factors that influence the experience of a user such as the information, the relevance, the layout of the site etc., but one of the most important factors is still page loading speed. And here’s where a relatively new product has started making headway in the digital marketing world. Itsthe aptly named, AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages.
Why is AMP good?
- The user
Even the Washington Post has taken advantage of this AMP trend, reporting a 23% increase in its returning users from mobile searches.
It is all about the user. Every digital marketer knows this. The user is really the customer—so if the user finds a page difficult to load, they may become yet another number on your client’s dreaded bounce rate statistic. Since the speed-rate, as reported by the Washington Post, has increased by 88% compared with traditional mobile web, its impact has already been well noted.
Time is essential in 2017. People want the information fast and they want it yesterday.
- The ranking
Logic might suggest that if a page is loaded instantly, it will be read faster, and this may influence the reader’s desire to share the post. Sharing, as the Australian digital marketer knows, is the Holy Grail of what we do, and a sure-fire way to improve ranking on search engines.
Since Australians now have 87% of its population on the internet daily, and a minimum of 25.4 million mobile-registered users, it makes sense that incorporating your client’s website content into more mobile-friendly applications such as AMP is a smart move.
However, AMP is not the only option. There is an alternative for the desktop experience, which you can share with your clients to improve their site speed. Read our latest blog about Site Speed Optimisation and find out how you can improve the speed of your client’s website and improve traffic, conversions and search-engine ranking.
Related Tags: ICO to PNG, White Label Digital Marketing