3 Tips To Get Your Clients A Better ROI On Their Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Marketing

Oh yes… Email marketing is considered by many as the bottom-feeding, last-hopes of the advertiser’s arsenal. This is an opinion of many since the returns generated by email marketing have yielded less than desirable results.

Think about this for a moment: email users in the US, for example, have grown to 244.5 million. And as you know, just because they’re in the US, doesn’t mean they can’t do business with your clients here in Australia.

With so many users out there, surely email marketing is one of the best tools a digital agency can use, right? Well, we think so. But there’s a problem… It’s not being used effectively.

Here are our THREE tips you can use to take advantage of all these millions and millions of online prospects:

  1. Testing, testing…1, 2, 3

If you think of “testing the waters” before you take a jump into the pool or before you go ahead and ask for a pay increase, consider email marketing in the same light. You cannot sum up your client’s prospects’ reactions by formulating a single email and blasting it out in one go. It is unreasonable and impolite to imagine a superb response on your first attempt. — Instead of compiling one email, try to reach a particular audience with bespoke attention, and create another one that can be compared and used to measure responses more accurately.

Testing is key. It’s about taking the emailer and split-testing it by altering a few areas of concern. This behaviour will shed more light on the results of the campaign since there will be more data to weigh for the next test.

  1. Images…with some persuasion

Images are important, not only because people are attracted to pictures, but for another marketing purpose. Indeed, pictures, as the saying goes, speak; however, how the picture speaks and what it says is the area of concern on which you ought to focus for the sake of your client’s campaign.

There’s a terminology that’s received many names, but for the purpose of this illustration, let’s refer to it as “direction persuasion”. Think of your client’s brand for a moment. Now, with a call-to-action in mind, for example, “Free eBook with every purchase until 14 October”. — If you placed the call-to-action at the top right-hand corner of the mailer, you should, and must, use the image to point to the direction of the call-to-action. For example, if your client’s brand is nappies, then have an image of a baby with his finger pointing to the direction of the important part of your client’s emailer. This helps readers follow the direction of the image itself.

So, let images speak more than the thousand words. Let them help your client’s campaign bring focus and persuasion to the prospects.

  1. Write right…and right

This ought to go without saying, but let’s write it out for the sake of clarity. Always ensure your copywriter is a gifted writer and communicator and is well-versed in all the proper rules of grammar. Now, with that non-negotiable facet of the emailing campaign, let’s focus on some science.

Research, with eye-tracking as well as infrared technology, has offered irrefutable evidence that the English-reading world follows peculiar lines of direction when reading. The direction is almost always followed in importance by the shape of something like the letter ‘F’. This means that most attention would be absorbed in that flow. Therefore, for you, when compiling your client’s emailers, practice writing in the style that readers are more likely to follow. Place the call-to-action and the important bit of information you want them to read in the better areas to which the eye will follow—that is, along the top and down the left side.

Finally, although there are a number of tactics to use, all coming with a stream of facts and figures either to support or denounce various codes of practice, the best advice you could take away from all this is to remain human throughout your client’s email campaigns, and try to come across as authentic as possible. People respond to people.

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