Top Metrics Your Digital Agency Should Be Tracking For Success

White Label Digital Marketing

Most digital agencies know that they need to regularly check the numbers to make sure that their efforts are achieving results. Knowing the right metrics to track are critical for a digital agency’s success, as the insights gained are a good indicator of whether the strategies in place are working and worth continuing. As a website reseller with white label digital marketing services, Globital Australia works with digital agencies to provide their clients with excellent results. This has given us first-hand knowledge of the top metrics any digital agency should be tracking for success.

Web Traffic Sources

Keeping an eye on which traffic sources are successfully driving visitors to your website can help determine which marketing campaigns are successfully bringing in visitors. Tracking web traffic sources can give a better understanding of the type of visitors a website is attracting with information such as their geographic location, which channels they use etc. It can also help identify gaps in traffic, identifying channels that aren’t performing well so that they can be optimised. 


By measuring the number of new leads that have been generated, marketers can help determine how successful their campaigns have (or haven’t) been. Tracking the total number of leads generated over time should be done along with other metrics, such as cost per lead and conversion rate, to get the full picture.

Cost Per Lead

Cost per lead refers to how much money it costs a digital agency to generate one lead. To find the cost per lead, the total cost of lead generation efforts (such as PPC) over a specific period of time is totalled and then divided by the total number of leads acquired over that period. Tracking the cost per lead is an indicator of how cost-effective a digital agency’s marketing campaigns are.

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Conversion Rates

Tracking conversion rates is a good way for digital agencies to measure how well they are encouraging visitors or traffic to follow through and perform the desired action. Conversion rates are calculated by dividing the total number of unique visitors by the total number of conversions. The higher the conversion rate, the better the marketing agencies/website is performing.

Customer Acquisition Costs

By measuring and tracking how much it costs overall to acquire a new customer, digital agencies can decide whether the costs of their marketing efforts are worth it, whether their strategies are effective and whether they need to look at cutting costs. Customer acquisition costs can be calculated by totalling the amount spent on marketing to acquire customers and dividing that total by the number of new customers acquired.

Gross Margin

By tracking gross margin, digital agencies look beyond revenue to see how much profit they are making on any given service. By measuring gross margin, digital agencies can see whether they are investing more into a specific action than the action is worth and whether they should consider adjusting their approach or service offering for the future.

Interested in finding out more about the number one metric to track for success in your digital agency? Head on over to Globital TV to learn more. Need to outsource digital marketing for websites, SEO and other services? Contact us at We’d love to help out. 

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