The Power Of A Good Headline

Outsourced SEO Copywriting

When it comes to great content, an original, well-written post or article is not enough. An engaging headline can be the deciding factor in whether or not your client’s target audience actually reads the content. Think of headlines as the first impression you get to make, keeping in mind that you only get one chance to make a first impression!

There is an enormous amount of content available online, with more and more being added each day. As a digital agency, you want a headline that will catch the attention of your client’s target audience and compel them to read your client’s content instead of the other available options. 

Why Is A Powerful Headline Essential? 

Look at a headline as more than the title of the content – it should tell readers what the content is about and why it is relevant and tell them whether the content will be engaging and educational. The headline, good or bad, affects the readability and searchability of your client’s content and should be considered in your digital marketing strategies. 

If the headline makes your client’s content sound interesting, relevant and informative, it is more likely that a reader will choose to click on the link and read the content. If the content proves to be engaging, that reader is likely to share it with others and potentially come back to your client’s website looking for more great reads. A headline can create the opportunity to build a strong and loyal following for your clients as well as bring readers back for all of your client’s future blog posts, articles and other content. 

Headlines have a big impact on SEO. A headline is the first thing a reader sees after searching a keyword, and the content’s click-through rate is directly affected by how highly it ranks on a search engine’s results. A great headline that has considered keyword searches will help ensure a higher ranking, making it easier to find the content and making the content more likely to be read. 

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How To Create A Powerful Headline

To create a successful, engaging headline, keep the following in mind:

  • Avoid generic headlines at all costs. When looking at multiple articles covering the same topic, a unique headline is more likely to grab attention and entice readers to click on your client’s post over anyone else’s. 
  • Vague headlines are not going to attract interest. Catch the attention of your client’s readers by being as specific as possible with a headline that promises to answer their questions with reliable, relevant information.
  • Use simple but interesting language that shows potential readers how inspiring and informative the article will be. Using exciting adjectives and action words to generate interest. Keep your headline short and catchy. Avoid anything overcomplicated or wordy.
  • Do thorough keyword research to target keywords with high search volumes. By using the right keywords, you optimise the headline to drive targeted traffic towards the article. There are many tools that can help with keyword research, ensuring you are using keywords that people are actually using in their searches.

Looking for white label copywriting to create great content with powerful headlines? You need our outsourced SEO copywriting services. Get in touch at, and we’ll help you out!

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