Digital Marketing

It’s still early in 2020, but the year has already brought in multiple changes that affect how the digital marketing industry operates currently, as well as how it will operate in the future. The most recent is the mid-February announcement that the Google Partners programme has amended some of its qualification requirements. If your agency is a Google Partner or working with one under the previous requirements, this blog will get you up to speed on how to qualify going forward. Luckily, the changes aren’t complicated to understand, so you should be fine.

The Advantages Of Becoming A Google Partner Or Partnering Up With One

With so many chancers out there, clients want to be assured that their chosen digital marketing providers can provide expertise, up-to-date knowledge on best practices, and accountability. A Google Partner certificate is testament to all of the above and more. Passing the programme allows your agency access to exclusive features and creates a direct link with Google. This reassures clients that you can deliver quick results while operating within the search engine’s frameworks.

Stay Ahead Of The Game In Digital Marketing - Join DACC Today!

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, staying informed about the latest trends and best practices is crucial for success. That’s why we’ve created the Digital Agency Cowork Collective, a Facebook community of agency owners. Our community provides valuable resources, enhances your connectivity, and keeps you informed about all the changes and additions within the industry.

Major Change #1: The Minimum Spend Requirement Is Twice The Amount It Was Before

The 90-day ad spend requirement still applies, but the minimum amount has been raised from $10,000 to $20,000. The financial implications may be daunting, but making strategic changes to your budget will help.

Major Change #2: At Least Half Of Your Agency’s Admin Users Must Be Google Certified

It’s no longer enough to have only one certified user with admin or standard access to Google Ads to be considered a Partner. Google now requires at least 50% of users to have certificates and admin or standard access. This means one out of every two users must successfully complete the certification programme on Skillshop.

Major Change #3: The Adoption Of A Minimum 70% Of Google Recommendations

Lastly, companies were previously expected to show 12 months of spend activity with proof of steady growth on the platform. This has entirely been scrapped in favour of a requirement that expects Partners to adopt at least 70% of the recommendations flighted by Google.

We Are Digital Marketing Experts Who Can Help Your Agency Navigate The Changes

In an industry that’s always changing, having consistent support from other professionals in the field comes in handy. Perhaps you’re worried that the changes discussed in this blog may disqualify your agency from Google Partner status. There are many ways to navigate the challenge, and we have the answers. Contact Globital today to get onto the right page.

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