It’s often easy to highlight the shining aspects of your product or service, but what about those less-than-perfect features? How do you sell what could be considered the “elephant in the room”? It’s not uncommon for businesses to encounter challenges or drawbacks in their offerings, but the real skill lies in leveraging these perceived flaws to your advantage – especially through marketing copy.
Here’s how our white label copywriting team recommends you turn the tables and transform those weaknesses into selling points through your copy.
Confronting Barriers Head-On
The first step in selling the “elephant in the room” is acknowledging its presence. Ignoring or downplaying flaws will only lead to potential customers’ distrust. Instead, confront these barriers head-on in your copy. Address them openly and honestly, explaining that you understand your product’s limitations and have strategies in place to mitigate them.
For instance, if your product has a higher price point than competitors’, don’t shy away from this fact. Instead, emphasise the value and quality that justify the price.
Psst – Want To Keep And Grow Your Client Base?
Just like in any relationship, communicating with your clients is key. Take a look at the 5 tips we recommend for creating a positive and productive working relationship with your clients here.
Turning Flaws into Features
Once you’ve acknowledged the elephant in the room, it’s time to reframe it as a feature rather than a flaw. Highlight aspects of your product or service that may initially seem undesirable but can actually be seen as something your clients or customers simply can’t miss out on.
For example, if your software solution has a longer learning curve compared to competitors, position this as a benefit rather than a drawback. Emphasise the depth of features and customisation options available, showcasing how the initial investment in learning pays off with increased functionality and efficiency in the long run. By reframing the perceived flaw as a unique selling point, you differentiate your offering and appeal to a niche audience that values depth over simplicity.
The Power of Transparency
Transparency builds trust and credibility with your audience, fostering stronger relationships and increasing the likelihood of conversions.
For instance, if your product has a known issue or limitation, provide clear information about what steps you’re taking to address it. Share customer testimonials or case studies demonstrating how others have successfully overcome the challenge. By showcasing your commitment to transparency and continuous improvement, you reassure potential customers that their concerns are being heard and addressed.
If your agency finds it challenging to explain imperfections, high prices, or something else through copy, allow our white label copywriting team to help.