How to Get On-Page SEO and Keyword Targeting Right

On-Page SEO

One quick search will reveal that everyone seems to have an opinion regarding the best way to handle on-page SEO and optimization. With that said, it can often feel somewhat like a moving target due to the continually evolving nature of search engines and newly emerging sources of traffic, including blogs and social networks. In the end, what remains is the fact that the correct way to optimize a page can vary somewhat but should be based on a few solid guidelines.

SEO Has Changed

In the past, on-page optimization typically referred to how keywords were placed on the page. At that time, search engines preferred to see keywords in certain locations in order to indicate relevancy for search queries. Fast forward a few years and that has changed. That approach will no longer work, largely due to changes that have occurred in search engine algorithms.

This certainly does not mean that keywords are no longer important. Keywords are relevant and do have their place, but your entire on-page optimization strategy cannot be built solely on keyword placement any longer.

Make your Content Valuable

More and more, search engines such as Google are placing a stronger emphasis on value. They do not just want to see that your page is relevant to a query, they want to know that what you are providing to the reader is of value. To put a finer point on it, search engines want to know that your content is of unique value. In other words, your content must be different enough to be set apart from the crowd. This doesn’t just mean unique content, although that is important, as well. When a page provides uniquely valuable content it is set so far apart from the competition that it will likely generate links and social shares.

Pay Attention to User Experience

Along with providing stellar content, must also pay attention to the user’s experience on your web page. A total experience can be comprised of a variety of elements, but at a minimum, you should ensure that your page is easy to understand, includes intuitive navigation and loads quickly. Additionally, your page should render properly regardless of the browser or device utilized by the user.

Accessible to Crawler Bots

Search engines still utilize the practice of crawling the web with the use of automated bots. That is not a practice that is likely to go away anytime soon. Although these bots have evolved to some degree, it is still important to ensure that your page is designed so that it can be easily crawled, indexed and ranked. Sometimes things happen and a page is down temporarily. When that is the case, make sure to use a status code 503.

Finally, make sure your page is keyword targeted by using the primary keyword a minimum of once in the page title, in the headline, naturally throughout the body text and in the meta descriptions and meta keywords. You can hire Globital Australia to help you regarding keyword targeting and on-page SEO.

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