Why Do People Click? Your Email Subject Matters!

Why Do People Click? Your Email Subject Matters!

Email Subject Matters

When it comes to just about anything, creating compelling subject lines and headlines are crucial, difficult, but crucial. Does one need to ask themselves what will grab

make them open and click, and most importantly, how can you create a concise subject line that manages to capture all this and still succeeds with setting expectations of what is in the mail?

Marketers know that ‘best practice’ rules for creating the best email subject line are forever changing. One of the insights you need to have as an email writer is knowing what your audience responds to. Having tested different factors such as the length of your email subject and what data says about the difference between short and long lines matters most.

Having said this, we’ll look at important aspects of crafting a subject line that will be opened and even more, persuade the reader to engage.

Authenticity is Contagious

Nothing brings more delight to audiences then original genuineness! Through your subject line, the audience has the opportunity to decide whether they will click and open your email or swipe through to the next one. They are at a point where they go through a series of micro-decisions, and your ability to compel them through this snippet line may be the only way to drive conversion.

Make It Personal

Tailoring your email subject line, because you know your audiences and what attracts them, is a great way of getting it opened. Depending on your audience’s’ interests, as well as what you’re trying to convey, the line you decide to go with will vary. This is because you need to keep your brand voice while catering to the needs of your audience. Be consistent and see how many of your readers will engage with you. The point of making this line personalized is to show your reader that you knowthem.

Mobile Optimization Is Key!

Going back to the length dilemma, it is important that as an email marketer you take note that 53% of emails are opened on mobile and smart devices. This is according to Limus Mobile email apps allow approximately 35 characters for the subject line and because of this, you will need to know how many of your audience uses such devices to open emails. In such cases, shorter is better. We know we’re storytellers, but remember, we all start with the title of a book before we read it!

Remember the fundamentals of email marketing; it is delivering the promise to the reader (useful), does your reader know what they’re getting themselves into (ultra-specific) is it compelling and remarkable (unique) and will the reader feel the need to open it now (urgent). Keeping and implementing these will help you get your emails to read and potentially convert audiences into customers.

Related Tags: Pay Per Click Reseller Program


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