Globital Launches A Rebranded Company Aiming At Growth For Itself And The Agencies It Supports

Globital Launches A Rebranded Company Aiming At Growth For Itself And The Agencies It Supports

form bg - Globital Launches A Rebranded Company Aiming At Growth For Itself And The Agencies It Supports

Today is the beginning of many exciting changes happening for us and we are delighted to have you with us on this journey. Here is GLOBITAL Managing Director, Damian Papworth to explain “Why Rebrand Now!”

The phenomenal growth in niche product business’ of our SEO Resellers, White Label Copywriting, Digital Wholesalers and Digital Resellers brands created a problem that every business dreams of: we did such a great job that you wanted more. As a result, over the past few years, our parent company GLOBITAL has expanded the services offered under each niche business. Now, with a full-service offering, it no longer makes sense to operate under these existing brands.

Leading us to today, as we launch the new GLOBITAL: a full-service business in support of Marketing, Digital Marketing and Advertising Agencies. This is a global support network like no other. A business structured to provide you with business support and growth strategies, ongoing education and advertising campaign execution.

We currently have hundreds of staff located throughout the world ready to provide you with everything you need for today and whatever version you need help with, to achieve your agency of tomorrow.


In the short term, NONE!! You just get to enjoy working under the GLOBITAL banner rather than SEO Resellers and other company brands. We have redirects in place so that’s its BUSINESS AS USUAL for you and it won’t impact YOUR business.

1. New Website and Address – with the changes, we have moved our website to Check it out and bookmark the new address so you have it at your fingertips.

2. New Email Addresses – when the website changes, this changes our email addresses too. Our @seosellers and addresses have all been changed over to one platform, We will be running the old emails for the next few months allowing you time to transition.

3. New Member Portal Address – we wanted to create a place just for you, and have started stage 1 of the Member Portal upgrade. Introducing MyGlobital, the same layout with our new GLOBITAL branding located at In the short term, its business as usual because if you go to the old SEO Resellers Portal you will be redirected to your new MyGlobital portal. When you get redirected, please bookmark this new address as we have a Portal for each continent so it’s important to save your specific location.

We hope you can see that we are investing in your business with these changes as a first step to creating a place you can operate your business from. We will be adding lots of videos and information like this to our Reseller Exclusive Facebook Community,“GLOBITAL GROWTH CLUB”, so if you’re not yet a member, join now so you don’t miss an update and stay connected with our strong Marketing community.


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