Following the success of the Digital Sales and Marketing Masterclasses in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban in South Africa in 2017, CEO of Globital, Damian Papworth, spent the early months of 2018 rolling out the successful events throughout Australia as well.
Digital marketing agencies in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane all got the chance to experience the value shared during the 2-day event, in venues locally. As in South Africa, the content of the masterclass went a long way towards aiding the digital agencies that attended and teaching them sales strategies and lead generation techniques and offered them the chance to put together their very own 3-month sales strategy, unique and tailored to their agency’s needs.
“After the reaction that we got from the Masterclasses in South Africa, I just knew that Australian agencies would form a line to attend these events and take away the lessons that would help them boost their digital agency’s success. I wasn’t disappointed!” says Damian.
Of course, these masterclasses were more than just an opportunity for Damian and his local team to meet and network with the Resellers that Globital supports throughout Australia. They were in fact conceptualised and executed much more importantly as another way for Globital to support local digital agencies, not just in the outsourced execution of digital strategy, but more importantly in the education of how to run a better, more profitable digital agency, identify and close better and more ideal clients and in the end, generate more profit and scale for their business.